
Sales FAQ

Sales FAQ featuring answers to common questions about our on-demand B2B sales advice service.

Sales FAQ

TheSalesLine is a “call in, ask sales related questions” service dedicated to business owners, sales management and sales professionals. Everyone in sales needs help from time to time. Wouldn’t you appreciate a private space where you could call an experienced sales consultant and talk through what’s on your mind? If you have B2B sales questions, we’ve been there and we would like to help you where we can.

TheSalesLine is brought to you by SalesEvolve Solutions Inc (www.salesevolve.com).

We are a company dedicated to improving your ecosystem of sales and generating revenue. Our broad range of holistic sales services include Sales team for hire or Sales Outsourcing (Lead Generation, Full Sales, Market research and introduction), Sales Consulting, CRM and Sales Training. We work in a very broad range of industries and have learned a lot from many different people, companies and industries.

Our staff strive to be approachable, down to earth and easy to talk to. We believe strongly in being honest, direct, respectful and careful with whom we help.

Our team specializes in helping companies that sell to businesses or through distribution, agents and resellers. This is called B2B sales, or Business to Business Sales. We have knowledge that covers a very large swath of industries and solutions types, mostly within North America. If you ask a question that we are unfamiliar with, we will tell you.

When you call in to try our free trial, we won’t make you sit through a sales pitch when you call in. We use this service as a way to help our peers in sales. However, if you call in to discuss something that is more complex in nature and cannot be resolved in a discussion, we will not hide who we are and how we can help you. However, you are not obligated to use our services. If we talk about our services, it’s because we believe we can help you.

At this time, we are offering each person 1 hour of free talk time with our consultants. We hope to offer more in the near future. To help us get there, we welcome sponsorship discussions if you like what we are doing.

There is no charge for your first 1.5hrs. If you find our service helpful (and we know you will) and want more, we have paid programs available that can be crafted to your needs.

When you call in, you will first speak to one of our triage specialists. They will ask you about the nature of your call, so that we can direct you to a person that is qualified to help. They will also ask you for some information, such as your name, company name, address, email and phone number. This information is used to setup your account and to help us remember why you called. Your information will not be sold and will be kept in confidence. You will not be asked for a credit card number to use our free trial and there is no obligation to commit to any of our services.

Once your account is setup and we know the nature of what you wish to discuss, we will schedule a call with you and an experienced professional who is most suited to help you.

This service is designed to provide you with guidance and advice of a general nature. We are there to point you in the right direction and to be a place where you can talk through what is on your mind.

We will not provide you with specific instruction or advice such as CRM technical support, creating a sales process specific to your business or advising on how much to discount. We also will not write, edit, or make changes to any form of your documentation, communication or software. Only certain paid plans will allow for conferenced, live phone calls or discussions between you, your clients or staff.

While we would love to help, these situations require advanced knowledge and we do not wish to say or recommend something that isn’t right for the situation. SalesEvolve and The Sales Line have paid options for you if you need help of that nature.

If we call you during our scheduled time and you do not answer, we will try to reach you once more within 5 minutes. If you are unavailable again, we will deduct 1 hr from your account. Free users will lose their 1 hr of free time.

If you keep the discussion professional and honest, you will get to enjoy our service. We reserve the right to terminate any call and for any reason at any time. Please note that our staff are providing this service as a courtesy and negative behaviors such as verbal abuse, disrespectful language, dishonesty, malice, deceit, sharing of confidential information and anything that is illegal in nature will not be tolerated.

Our team will not share the nature of your call(s) or the specifics discussed with anyone unless ordered by a court of law. Please do not disclose to us any information that is confidential to you, your company, your customers or anyone else.